Monday, February 28, 2011

It's been a long week

I've been farmsitting for the last 12 days. This isn't a bad thing, in fact I love being the one to wake up and feed pony-beast first thing in the morning. 12 days away from home, though, makes it hard to eat well or feel organized. And, while it would seem convenient that the farm is only 10 minutes from my apartment, it actually makes things harder - I tend not to pack real changes of clothes, convinced that I'll come home often. I've been living the past week in hay covered sweats and snow boots.

On the plus side, I started the Dynamite. Wednesday and Thursday were easy...well, duh, they're the days that you eat as much as you want. Thursday night, though, I got a call before dinner from a friend saying she needed to get her horse down to Fairfield (Equine Clinic) because his bladder was completely blocked by a stone. I hooked up and within an hour I was at her place and on my way to Connecticut in the rain and fog. We got to the clinic at around 11:15pm, put Daniel in a pretty heavy daze, and watched the surgery. After hanging 2 bags of fluid and waiting (forever) while he recovered in a stall, we loaded him back up and started the drive home. I hadn't eaten anything since 3pm on Thursday, so at 3am I stopped for gas and got a chai, a red bull (still had to make the drive), a banana, and a bag of chips. And no Dynamite. Oh well, sometimes things don't go how they're supposed to, and considering the emergency we were dealing with, a crappy diet was just not the end of the world.

I've been doing well since that, though. Eating (basically) what I'm supposed to, and being probably too relaxed about the whole thing. I'm still having creamer in my coffee in the morning. My chicken for my salad last night may have had some chipotle taco seasoning on it. For the most part, though, I've been trying. The Dynamite makes it so that I'm not hungry between meals, and I even find myself having to remember to eat (the water could be doing that). Oh yeah, water. It's my downfall. I have a habit of going days without taking a sip of anything (horrible, I know). Now, I'm supposed to be drinking over 80oz per day! The last 3 days I've had about 60oz each,'s progress. Today my goal is all 80oz.

We're on day 6 and I'm down 2.8lbs. Not as much as I'd like, but after the chaotic week, I'll take it.


  1. Life has a way of interfering.

    Enjoy the water! I find it helps to drink a ton in the morning so I don't have to play catch up all day, but I'm a morning person, so it's pretty easy.

  2. Update: Let's add in that I'm PMSing and last night I ate an entire box of Mac & Cheese. Sooo much for doing well. Today is a new day!

  3. i feel the life interefence part. Least you are losing it! I gained! wtf

  4. Ugh. I can't drink that much. I only drink water (started when I was ten or eleven), but not enough of it. I rarely have soda, but when I do I can tell! It makes me feel awful. Keep up the good work.
